New Words in English
New words and terms coined in recent years,
beginning with 'S''
- sandwich generation
- A generation of middle-aged people who have to care both for their children and their elderly parents.
- screenager
- A young person or teenager who spends a lot of time in front of the computer screen.
- selfie
- A photograph that one has taken of oneself (for example a photograph taken with a smartphone).
- selfie stick
- A metal stick (usually extendable) which holds your phone or camera and allows you to take a selfie photograph from a distance.
- shabby-chic
- Cottage-style decor achieved by using worn or “distressed” furniture and neutral-coloured fabrics, or new items suitably treated to appear old and look comfortable. The result is an elegant overall effect.
- shrinkflation
- A situation where a manufacturer sells a product containing less in size or quantity for the same price.
- sip and see / sip 'n see (party)
- A party to celebrate the birth of a baby during which guests can socialise while sipping their drinks and admiring the new arrival.
- sindie
- Single income now divorced.
- sitcom
- Blend of 'situation' and 'comedy'.
A drama, on television, based on humorous everyday situations.
- Blend of 'situation' and 'comedy'.
- site scraper
- Software that collects content from other sites (without permission).
- skort
- Blend of 'skirt' and 'shorts'.
A pair of shorts with a flap of material across the front (and sometimes the back) to make them look like a skirt.
- Blend of 'skirt' and 'shorts'.
- sliver building
- An extremely tall, narrow skyscraper.
- slumdog
- Very poor, underprivileged person who lives in an overcrowded squalid area of a city called a slum.
- smartwatch
- A watch that can be used as a phone or a computer, with a small keyboard.
- smirt
- Blend of 'smoke' and 'flirt'.
Smoking prohibition laws have led to a new sort of social pastime : 'smirting', smokers getting to know each other when outside on the pavement.
- Blend of 'smoke' and 'flirt'.
- snail mail
- The standard system of delivering mail which is very slow in contrast to electronic mail.
- social distancing
- Keeping a physical distance between ourselves and others in order to avoid infection.
- social supermarkets
- Supermarkets that offer discounted food exclusively to those in poverty. The food is donated by retailers and manufacturers. The food is cheap because it may be mislabelled, have damaged packaging or be nearing an expiration date, but it is still edible.
- sofalise / sofalize
- Stay home and use the internet, phone or other electronic device to communicate with people (social networking, chatting, tweeting, etc.), rather than go out and meet them face to face.
- solopreneur
- A person who is the owner of their business and runs it alone.
- spendemic
- The increase in online shopping during the Coronavirus pandemic.
- spiraliser / spiralizer
- A kitchen appliance used for cutting vegetables into long thin spagetti-like strips.
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