New Words in English
New words and terms coined in recent years,
beginning with 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', and 'N'
- jeggings
- Blend of 'jean' and 'leggings'.
Tight-fitting stretch trousers for women made from a denim fabric with the elasticity of a legging. They resemble a pair of denim jeans with fake pockets and belt loops.
- Blend of 'jean' and 'leggings'.
- jigsaw family
- A family which includes the children from each partner's previous relationship(s), in addition to any children they may have together.
- jumbrella
- Blend of 'jumbo' and 'umbrella'.
Very large umbrella set above tables outdoors at a coffee shop, pub or restaurant.
- Blend of 'jumbo' and 'umbrella'.
- kidulting
- A blend of 'kid' and 'adult'
A recent trend among adults who enjoy games and activities traditionally intended for children.
- A blend of 'kid' and 'adult'
- koozie
- A thermal foam sleeve to put around a can or bottle to keep the content cool.
- leetspeak
- Leet (short for ‘elite’), or the numerical variation 1337, is a jargon term which refers to people with advanced computer and gaming skills or programming knowledge. In leetspeak the user replaces letters with numbers and symbols.
- legsie
- A photograph taken by yourself of your suntanned legs to show that you are enjoying your holiday. (The sand and sea are usually visible in the picture.)
- listicle
- An article in the form of a list published in a newspaper, magazine or online. For example "The ten most interesting places to visit".
- locavore
- A person who only eats food produced locally.
- loom band
- A small bracelet made from brightly-coloured rubber bands which are woven together in a variety of configurations.
- mailbomb
- To deliberately try to disrupt another computer system by sending massive amounts of email to it.
- manspreading
- Men taking up too much space on public transport by sitting with their legs wide apart and encroaching upon their neghbour's space.
- me time
- A period of time spent exclusively on yourself doing something that you enjoy and allows you to relax.
- meh
- Interjection used to express indifference or to show that one simply does not care. Equivalent to shrugging one’s shoulders. Used as an adjective it means 'mediocre'.
- meme
- A meme can be a photo, video, fictional character, symbol, quote, story, song, idea, or anything else, that goes viral online, spreading from person to person very quickly.
- meritocracy
- The idea that merit and individual effort determine one's success rather than wealth or birth.
- micro-condo
- A very small apartment (most often found in cities where housing is very expensive).
- mocktail
- Non-alcoholic drink that looks like a cocktail.
- nail tat
- A temporary tattoo applied to the nails.
- nano break
- A one-night holiday, or going away from home for one night.
- netbook
- Small laptop computer which weighs less than 3 pounds and has a 7 to 10 inch screen.
- netiquette
- Blend of 'network' and 'etiquette'.
Set of rules governing appropriate behaviour and courtesy on the internet.
- Blend of 'network' and 'etiquette'.
- netizen
- Blend of 'internet' and 'citizen'.
A person who spends an excessive amount of time on the internet.
- Blend of 'internet' and 'citizen'.
- netpicker
- A person who surfs the internet looking for information in order to impress others with their knowledge of current events.
- nevertiree
- A person who continues to work after they have reached the age of retirement.
- newbie
- A new member of any group, community, or activity.
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