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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions 

Alphabetical List of Idioms - G, page 3
from:  'get on high horse'   to:  'get the message'

  • get on your high horse
    • If you get on your high horse, you start behaving in a haughty manner, as though you should be treated with more respect.
      "He got on his high horse when he was asked to show his membership card."

  • get on in years
    • Someone who is getting on in years is growing old.
      "My grandmother is getting on in years. She needs help nowadays."

  • get on like a house on fire
    • Two people who get on like a house on fire have similar interests and quickly become good friends.
      "As soon as Sarah met her brother's girlfriend, they got on like a house on fire."

  • get someone's drift
    • If you get someone’s drift, you understand what they are saying, implying or suggesting.
      "I bumped into Carla today; she was with someone we both know well, if you get my drift.”

  • get one's just deserts
    • When someone gets their just deserts, they are rewarded or punished according to what they deserve.
      "Liz got her just deserts when she was excluded from the committee; she is totally unreliable."

  • get a rise out of (someone)
    • If you make someone react angrily by jokingly saying something that you know will irritate them, you get a rise out of them.
      "He gets a rise out of his daughter by asking her about her latest diet."

  • get a second bite at/of the cherry
    • This expression means that you get a second opportunity to do or try something.
      "He was eliminated in the semi-finals but he'll get a second bite at the cherry next year."

  • get someone's drift
    • If you get someone's drift, you understand in a general way what they are trying to say.
      "I didn't understand every word but I got the drift."

  • get (or have) someone by the short hairs
    • If you get (or have) someone by the short hairs, you put them in a difficult situation from which they cannot escape, so you have complete control over them.
      "They are in no position to refuse; we've got them by the short hairs!"

  • get someone's goat
    • Something that get someone's goat annoys or irritates them.
      "People who keep pushing when you're standing in line really get my goat!"

  • get something off the ground
    • If you , you put it into operation after having organised it.
      "After a lot of hard work, we finally got the campaign off the ground."

  • get something out of your system
    • This expression means that you get rid of a strong emotion or desire by expressing it openly or trying to fulfill it.
      "Tell you parents how you feel - it's better to get it out of your system."

  • get the better of you
    • If someone or something gets the better of you, it defeats you.
      "She went on a diet but it didn't last long - her love of chocolate got the better of her!"

  • get (or have) the jitters
    • If you get or have the jitters, especially before an important event, you become very nervous or anxious and begin to shake.
      "Some people get the jitters when they have to make a speech."

  • get your money's worth
    • If you get your money's worth, you receive good value for the amount of money you spend.
      "We bought a travel pass to use the public transport system and we really got our money's worth."

  • get the message
    • If you get the message, you understand what someone is trying to tell you, even if it is expressed in actions or gestures rather than words.
      "When Tony pointed to his watch, I got the message - it was time to leave for the airport."

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